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Welcome to the Jaguar Identification Project

The Jaguar Identification Project is a non-profit that uses citizen-science to build a cohesive database on individual jaguars in the northern Pantanal region.

The Pantanal is not only home to the highest density of jaguars in the world​, but also the most habituated jaguars. Allowing it to be the best location to see wild jaguars in their natural habitat. 

As a consequence of these jaguars becoming relaxed, we have been able to follow various individuals and document their behaviors. Since the early 2000's jaguars have been cataloged in this area by using their spot pattern, which is comparable to a fingerprint.

Using facial, left and right photographs, mainly provide by tourists, we are able to identify individual jaguars which has led us to build the Jaguar Guide. This guide has provided us with an amazing amount of information on individual behavior, lineages, relationships, home ranges, and movement. Our technique is unique and completely non-invasive to the cats.

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