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Help save these beautiful cats 

Symbolically adopt a jaguar and help make a real difference to the wild jaguar's chance of survival. You will be helping to protect vital habitat and monitor jaguar populations in the Brazilian Pantanal.

How Do You Become a Jaguar Ambassador ?

Download our Cat-o-log here:


Choose the jaguar you want to adopt from our jaguar adoption catalog.


Make your donation of 500$ or more by clicking the button on this page! 


Receive your jaguar adoption kit! 


Follow us on social media to see how your donation is making a difference. 

Adoption Packages

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How Will Your Donation Helping Save Wild Jaguars?

The only way to truly save jaguars is through the conservation of land. The Jaguar Identification Project has the opportunity to purchase a large piece of land in the Northern Pantanal, home to the worlds densest population of jaguars. Our goal is to make this land into a jaguar reserve and monitor the jaguar movement in the reserve. It will forever be a safe haven for jaguars and all species of the Pantanal.

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