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International jaguar day

You Can Make a Difference

This year for Giving Tuesday we would like your support to help the local community in Porto Jofre. 

The small village of Porto Jofre, Mato Grosso—Brazil has been living with the jaguars for many years and for many years they have been living in fear of this often elusive animal. In Porto Jofre, they have lost numerous dogs and other domestic animals. Even their children’s lives could be at threat. As the number of jaguars increase in the region, it is pushing them to live more closely with humans. 

While we understand the difficult balance between keeping the jaguars alive and living in harmony with man, we continue to search for an environmentally friendly and practical solution. Removing a problematic jaguar will not solve this problem; it only opens space for a new individual to come in. Brazil’s top jaguar biologists and veterinarians have assessed the situation and believe building an electric chain-link fence is the best option. 

We have joined together with local NGOs, lodge owners and AMAPRA Silvestre to support this practical solution for this region. The estimated cost is $11,000 USD or 60,000 Brazilian Reals. Todays exchange rate is about 5.4 to 1 USD. We have set a goal to raise $5,000 USD to help make this plan become a reality. 


Join us today, November 29, 2020 International Jaguar Day to reach our goal by Giving Tuesday!

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